Site Setup

Site Setup contains detailed information for each site within the district.

Search and Edit

  • Enter a Site Code or Site Name in the search field.
  • To view or edit an existing site, click on the Site row. A new tab will display.

Add Site

  • Click the add link. The Add Site form will display.

  • Enter the site name in the Site Name field.
  • Enter the site code in the Site Code field.
  • Enter the contact's name in the Contact Name field.
  • Enter the contact's email in the Contact Email field.
  • Enter the site's phone number in the Phone field.
  • Enter the site's primary address information in the respective address fields.
  • Click the save button.


button for general info tab help files button for other addresses tab help files button for a/r setup tab help files





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School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021